Journal of Silence Studies in Education

Journal titleJournal of Silence Studies in Education
AbbreviationJ. Silenc. Stud. Educ.
Frequency2 issues per year
DOIPrefix 10.31763 by 
Editor-in-chiefDr. Dat Bao
Managing EditorDr. Bambang Widi Pratolo
Organized byASCEE Education Society
PublisherAssociation for Scientific Computing Electrical and Engineering (ASCEE)
Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar | SCOPUS | WoS
TemplateJSSE Template

Founded by leading experts in silence research from four continents, The Journal of Silence Studies in Education (JSSE) is the world’s first academic periodical that addresses the theme of silence in teaching and learning. It welcomes discourse and research articles in theory and practice from practitioners and scholars in education and from various disciplines with implications for education.

The aim of contributions is to bring new insights to improve teaching and learning for all students who sometimes need to use silence as part of their learning repertoire. The journal does not promote silence but acknowledges it has already existed in every student’s learning experience in practitioners’ teaching strategies. It addresses silence as a way of strengthening inclusive, diverse, and non-biased education.

The manuscript must offer an original contribution in the field, written in English, and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by a minimum of two international reviewers through the double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.

The Journal of Silence Studies in Education (JSSE) maintains high standards of personal conduct, practicing honesty in all our professional practices and endeavors. We are truthful in our research, actions and words. Let our decisions and deeds be based on the greater good of the broader academic community and not personal advantage.

All data for research articles must conform with with the regulations of authors’ universities/institites and that must have obtained the permission from relevant institutes when collecting data. Your ethic statement and/or letter of ethic approval are strictly required when you submit your manuscripts to the JSSE system.

Journal Metrics in 2022

Issues publishedArticles publishedTotal submissionsAcceptedDeclinedDays to reviewDays to publication

Journal Homepage Image



Call for Papers: Silence and Solitude in Poetry and the Arts

Invitation for June special issue 2024  
Posted: 2024-03-14 More...

Recent publication: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Solitude, Silence and Loneliness


We would like to recommend a major book edited by several members of both the ISRS and the JSSE:
(the review of which has been published in Volume 1 issue 1 of 2022 in the JSSE)
Posted: 2023-11-10 More...
More Announcements...

Vol 3, No 1 (2023)

Table of Contents


(1) Alan Maley (Independent Scholar and Writer, United Kingdom)
10.31763/jsse.v3i1.86 Views of Abstract: 1005 | PDF: 331
(1) Simon Humphries (Kansai University, Japan)
(2) Maiko Ikeda (Kansai University, Japan)
(3) Tomoko Yashima (Kansai University, Japan)
10.31763/jsse.v3i1.82 Views of Abstract: 1213 | PDF: 245
(1) Robert Stroud (Hosei University, Japan)
10.31763/jsse.v3i1.85 Views of Abstract: 1366 | PDF: 376
(1) Gail Ekici (Latrobe University, Australia)
10.31763/jsse.v3i1.87 Views of Abstract: 950 | PDF: 239
(1) Bambang Widi Pratolo (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia)
(2) Pabelina Virgin Gustriani (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia)
(3) Dat Bao (Monash University, Australia)
(4) Arum Priadi (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia)
10.31763/jsse.v3i1.91 Views of Abstract: 536 | PDF: 144