*corresponding author
AbstractThe article is aimed to specify the concept of “silence” from the view point of pedagogy on the basis of literature sources analysis, to reveal methodological foundations for designing the didactics of silence, its content, forms and methods. The role and place of silence in learning is examined on the basis of a synthesis of extensive cultural, historical, philosophical and pedagogical experience. Pedagogical silence is considered in two ways: silence as a stage when there is nothing to say and silence as a competence where the student “reveals” himself – meanings, goals, his mission – and creates his own knowledge. Special attention is given to the relationship of silence, “interrogation” and heuristics. Speaking and silence reflect two fundamental ways of existence of a human being – their expansion outside and their deepening inward both having two basis views on the nature of the world and man in it. That involves the differences in the atomistic and wave nature of consciousness, thinking, and language characteristic of civilizations of the Western and Eastern cultural types. A philosophical and methodological basis for silence in learning based on a heuristic dialogue has been drawn up. The author conducted a comprehensive analysis and summed up the experience in the field of studying the topic of silence presented a holistic view of the main components of didactics of silence: goals, content, methods, assessment criteria. The scholar also elaborated a methodology, technology, tasks, assessment criteria and structure of the lesson content using silence methods. The author found that silence competency correlates with questioning competency. KeywordsSilence; Education; Pedagogy; Monologue; Dialogue;Heuristic Education
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/jsse.v1i2.11 |
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Journal of Silence Studies in Education
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