Alone Together. Mapping the Field: Challenges and Futures.

The ISRS welcomes proposals of titles and up to 250-word abstracts of papers* and posters on any issues related to solitude, silence and loneliness, from any discipline, and from researchers from all over the world.  These will be peer reviewed by the conference committee.

There will be various publishing possibilities related to the conference. 

– There are editors of several journals who would welcome submissions on solitude.  The Journal of Silence Studies in Education, based in Australia, Paedagogia Christiana, based in Poland, and The British Journal of Religious Education, based in the UK, would all welcome such submissions.

– The ISRS has a monograph series with Bloomsbury, on Solitude Studies.  Editors of that series will be at this conference, and will be inviting and/or commissioning contributions to the series.  Each volume in the series can be a conventional single-author monograph, or can be an edited collection.

– Directly related to this conference, we will be inviting and/or commissioning chapter authors for an edited contribution to the ISRS Solitude Studies series with Bloomsbury.  This has the provisional title of Solitude at the Edge: Liminal Loneliness, and it is to be edited by Richard Cleveland of Georgia Southern University, USA, and Rafał Iwański of the University of Szczecin, Poland.

Please visit this link for further information: