Silence seen through different lenses

(1) * Dat Bao Mail (Monash University, Australia)
*corresponding author


The introductory discussion brings academic readers into the first issue by sketching key ideas from all the article contributions and by interacting with them for further insights. In performing this task, the introduction captures a range of perspectives, methods, contents, and arguments, all of which demonstrate the richness of silence in context. A wide range of silences, as they are suggested by the articles in this issue, are summarised, elaborated, and connected into the relevant discourse. In the end, several gaps in silence research are highlighted to inspire scholars who wish to explore silence in more depth.



dynamics of silence; silences; perspective; intention; context



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10.31763/jsse.v1i1.7 Abstract views : 42357 | PDF views : 676




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Copyright (c) 2021 Dat Bao

Journal of Silence Studies in Education

Published by Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE)
P-ISSN: 2808-1005
: 19 Ancora Imparo Way, Clayton VIC 3800, Australia

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