The mediative role of learning materials: Raising L2 learners’ awareness of silence and conversational repair during L2 interaction

(1) * Seiko Harumi Mail (SOAS, University of London, United Kingdom)
*corresponding author


This conceptual article explores the role of pedagogical mediation in raising Japanese English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ awareness of cross-culturally diverse roles of silence and conversational repair strategies during turn-taking in second language (L2) interaction as seen from an interactional perspective. This study delves into the nexus of scholarly and pedagogical perspectives, accommodating Japanese EFL learners’ interactional needs to self-mediate own silence as an interactional resource by using repair strategies in L2 interaction. It specifically examines the pedagogical approaches reflected in English language teaching (ELT) materials designed for Japanese EFL learners, aiming to raise awareness of multi-faceted use of silence and repair as a part of cross-culturally invisible turn-taking practices from three perspectives: (1) pedagogical approaches involving silence in L2 interaction in scholarly articles, (2) learning materials produced specifically for Japanese EFL learners and (3) Japanese EFL learners’ perspectives on Conversation Analysis-informed learning resources identified in empirical studies. Drawing on this analysis, this study aims to deepen our understanding of current practices and bridge the gap between theory and practice to facilitate L2 learners’ interactional repertoires through material development informed by a holistic perspective.



pedagogical mediation; learning materials; classroom silence; conversational repair; Japanese EFL learners



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10.31763/jsse.v2i2.79 Abstract views : 3004 | PDF views : 406




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Journal of Silence Studies in Education

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