(2) Maiko Ikeda

(3) Tomoko Yashima

*corresponding author
AbstractIn the Japanese classroom context, student silence is a widely observed phenomenon (King, 2013). As such, the volition to speak, which is central to willingness to communicate (WTC; MacIntyre et al., 1998), may be weak compared to other sociocultural contextual factors (Humphries et al., 2023). Therefore, the authors focused on two silent university English majors' perceived capacity to speak (CTS). Using focused essay journals (MacIntyre et al., 2011), retrospective timeline graphs (Ikeda et al., 2020; Fukui & Yashima, 2021) and semi-structured interviews, the authors explored CTS fluctuations longitudinally before, during and after a study abroad (SA) year. They analysed situational cues and characteristics (Rauthmann et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2018). Results indicated that both participants felt sensitive to and depended on their interlocutors' kindness, empathy and patience. Implications are discussed for supporting students before, during and after SA.
KeywordsWillingness to communicate (WTC); Capacity to speak (CTS); Study abroad
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.31763/jsse.v3i1.82 |
Article metrics10.31763/jsse.v3i1.82 Abstract views : 1413 | PDF views : 314 |
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Journal of Silence Studies in Education
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